It was a pleasure working with a local fly fishing company on their very first video & launch of their signature products. Early on we knew we wanted to do something different from the traditional character piece. We wanted something more straightforward & striped down so we set out to capture a regular day of fishing with some products tastefully sprinkled throughout. Of course the shoot day didn’t go as planned and low flows forced us to pack it into a different, faraway spot, which wound up being a vast improvement. Then it didn’t hurt when the company revealed they were friends with our favorite, local musician and that we were cleared to use any of his tracks for the edit. No, that didn’t hurt at all. And we may have fan-boyed a little when said musician wrote in congratulating us on the finished video. In the end, we got to capture a real day of fishing for our clients & friends that helped their infant business begin to grow closer to the one of their dreams.