Best Of
Oct 17th, 2012 IN work

A "best of" edit for the Tim Johnson's Ride on Washington web series we've been working on.

All five days from Boston to DC in one short video. Hope you enjoy!

To watch the individual episodes of this epic ride check out People for Bikes YouTube.

DIRECTV Consumer Insights
Oct 11th, 2012 IN work

A lot of the work we do at BRP we aren't allowed to share with other people. This isn't because we are working on top secret military films or have really mean clients, but is because a lot of the information in our videos is very valuable to the companies that hire us to make them.

We do a lot of consumer insight work where we travel around the country, going into peoples' homes, and interviewing them in efforts of understanding what their lives are really like. Getting a sense for not only what kind of consumers they are, but what really makes them tick.

A lot of time and money goes into this research and our videos are often what companies use to present these findings and distribute them to their employees. These market insights are valuable in helping guide companies and products through the ever-changing marketplace; and are not often something people run out to share with their competitors. For this very reason we aren't able to post a new video every time we finish a cool, new consumer insight project.

The above video is a quick intro to one of the TV consumer segments we spent time with for a recent DIRECTV ethnography project. We hope we aren't giving anything away. To see more work like this checkout our outdated Market Research Reel and remember…you never saw this.

Oct 5th, 2012 IN work

Working today with Josh and The Thaitanium Project reminded us of the first film we ever collaborated on, Lifers: A Tale of Two Climbers.

Everything about this piece screams student film, including the unnecessary subtitle & use of totally unlicensed music, but all in all we think it's a little gem with some great characters.

After a quick web search we found a climbing gym in Seattle that had posted it to YouTube (sorry for the squeezed picture). Hope you enjoy!

DC or Bust
Sep 26th, 2012 IN work

Just in case you were wondering. They made it!

The final episode of a 5 part video series following Tim Johnson's Ride on Washington. To watch the other episodes check out People for Bikes YouTube.

Apres Adventures
Sep 17th, 2012 IN work

Watch the latest episode of Apres Adventures as BRP's own Ryan Ross spectates with the best of them at this year's USA Pro Cycling Challenge.

Vulnerable Road
Sep 13th, 2012 IN work

Here is a video we recently edited for People for Bikes, a organization working hard to improve the future of biking, that has gotten over forty thousand views on YouTube alone. In it, five pro cyclists reflect on some of their literal "run ins" with cars and the importance of bike safety. Enjoy.